The Madman Is Sure - A web mini-documentary series by The Twisted Melons

“Only the madman is absolutely sure”

Robert Anton Wilson

A web mini-documentary series showcasing unorthodox thinkers from throughout time and space.

New episodes on YouTube every Sunday at 10pm GMT

The Twisted Melons perform at the Virtual Mull Of Kintyre Music Festival 2020

The Twisted Melons recently performed at the Mull Of Kintyre Music Festival’s Virtual Festival. This included a performance of David Bowie’s Space Oddity which was beamed to the International Space Station.

Click on the link below to watch the show:

The band also released a live performance of “77” from their headline show on the final night of the festival in 2017

Trolls Under The Bridge

“Scotland is a clear target for hostile state and non-state actors and provides conditions which are ripe for exploitation due to its position as an independent nation operating under devolved power arrangements during a time of crisis from the United Kingdom.

“Subsequently, malign activity will increase over time, rather than remain static or decrease.”

James Patrick
